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Mechanical key cutting machines

What is a mechanical key cutting machine and what purpose does it serve?

Mechanical key cutting machines are professional equipment for copying all types of keys in a traditional way.

They are equipped with knobs and easily rotatable clamps, to copy different types of keys starting from the original key. Compared to electronic cutting machines, they require basic cutting experience because the duplication is performed by an operator.

Which keys can I get duplicated with a mechanical key cutting machine?

Mechanical key cutting machines are capable to copy all types of car and residential keys.

Keyline range offers Carat, Easy and Ninja Dark for cutting flat cross keys; Point for laser and dimple keys; the T-Rex range, with T-Rex, T-Rex Plus and T-Rex Advance for laser, dimple and tubular keys; 201, 202, 2023, 204 and 206 for bit and pump keys.

Arcadia (tubular) or Falcon (Ford, Jaguar or high security keys) can be used for special keys.