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Keyline TV

The path of a winning idea!

Massimo Bianchi, Strategic Planner of Keyline, opens the Seminario Agenti and Distributors' Meeting during the worldwide innovators' year. It was also an opportunity to evaluate many years of endeavours, initiatives and the visions for the future. Eleven years of exponential growth is a great topic for discussion, from the "small" numbers from 2002 when there were 15 people, 500 type of keys, 4 models of cutting machines and 20 machines produced per month, to the great results today with over 50 million keys, 2500 cutting machines, and 2000 cloning devices. These numbers portray the journey that has led Keyline from local markets to become a global company present in North America, in Asia through subsidiaries with headquarters in Shanghai and the Middle East, and in its new expansion in Oceania and South America.